Green Island la puterea a treia. Dub, drum&bass, techno, jazz, reggae și nu numai, timp de trei zile și nopți pe plaja Ghioroc
Plaja din Ghioroc va redeveni pentru al treilea an consecutiv „Green Island”, insula petrecerii fără limite, de data aceasta timp de trei zile și cu trei genuri de muzică. Pe lângă muzica electronică, la cea de-a treia ediție se adaugă și genurile jazz și reggae.
„Muzica a reprezentat mereu o sursă de energie pentru noi, petrecăreții. Oamenii sentimentali o numesc inspirație, dar ce vor ei sa spună de fapt e COMBUSTIBIL. Când ne pornim motoarele? 19-21 August. Alătură-te nouă! Green Island îți oferă o scena care cuprind genurile de muzică: jazz, dark jazz, reggae, dub, drum&bass, techno, deep house, minimal și psytrance. Unde începe cursa? Județul Arad, lacul Ghioroc, unde toți participanții se întâlnesc să petreacă toată noaptea, să se odinească puțin pe timpul zilei pe plajă și să petreacă din nou noaptea. Dar să nu uităm de sporturile extreme precum: Slip&Slide, parapantă, tiroliană și multe altele.
Legenda spune că oricine petrece cu noi, rămâne cu amintiri pentru toată viața. Scoate fiara din tine, adu-ți cei mai buni prieteni, poți să-ți aduci și un cort și lasă-ți problemele acasă… de restul ne ocupăm noi!”, spune Patricia Iancu, unul dintre organizatori.
Biletele pot fi cumpărate online pe
Abonament Green Island 2016 – 65 RON (până în data de 14.08.2016)
Abonament Green Island 2016 – 75 RON (la intrarea în festival)
Bilet/zi Green Island 2016 – 50 RON (la intrarea în festival)
Peace, love and unity for : Zona Reggae
Zona Reggae promovează muzica și cultura reggae și subgenurile sale. Misiunea noastră este aceea de a răspândi vibrațiile pozitive și inspiraționale ale acestui gen muzical în România și nu numai.
Zona Reggae cuprinde mai multe categorii, pe care le actualizăm zilnic, precum: Știri, Video, Releases, Evenimente sau Interviuri.
Zona Reggae is an online magazine dedicated to Reggae music. Our mission is to promote and spread the irie, inspiring, healing and powerful vibrations of Reggae music and culture in Romania and not only.
The magazine features many sections, updated daily, including News, Videos, Releases, Events and Interviews
*Poormen Sound
Poormen Sound was born from our love for creating and sharing music for free and also digging to spread the underground electronic music culture
Conceptul de Poormen Sound a fost creat din dragostea noastra fata de a crea si a imparti muzica si urmand a raspandi cultura muzicii electronice underground.
LionRiddims este un producător/selector de muzica reggae din Timișoara. A început să compună și să producă muzică în 2011, pe lângă activitatea de artist (alias One Lion) și promoter/selector în cadrul Reggaelize it. Până acum a lucrat cu foarte mulți artiști reggae din toată lumea, artiști care l-au descoperit prin intermediul canalului său de Youtube ajuns la un număr impresionat de subscriberi – 50 de mii. În 2015, LionRiddims pregătește primul release oficial de tip album cu artisti internationali.
LionRiddims is a reggae music producer from Timisoara.He started composing and producing music in 2011, besides his artist activity (alias One Lion) in Reggaelize it crew.Until now he mixed with many reggae artists from Romania,artists that have discovered him through his Youtube channel wich had 50.000 subscribers.In 2015 ,LionRiddims is preparing to launch his first album release with international artists.
In primul rand ascult muzica de la 4-5 ani, atunci cand tatal meu imi punea Bob Marley la niste casti mai mari decat capul meu. Am inceput sa fac muzica in anul 2005 si am inceput cu muzica hip-hop. In scurt timp am realizat ca prin intermediul acestui gen de muzica nu ma pot exprima in modul in care doream, asa ca am cautat altceva. In muzica mea ma simt influentat de SOJA (Soldiers of Jah Army) si desigur, de Bob Marley. Pe langa asta mai sunt influentat de Capleton
Astfel am ajuns sa gasesc in muzica reggae ceea ce doream, drept urmare am inceput sa ma ocup in mod sustinut de reggae cu speranta de a sustine miscarea rasta in Romania.
First of all i'm listening to music since i was 4-5 years old when my father played Bob Marley on some headphones bigger than my head.I started making music in 2005 and i started with hip-hop music.In short time i realised that i cannot express myself through this genre of music so i searched for something else.In my music i feel influenced by SOJA (Soldiers of Jah Army) and of course Bob Marley.Besides this i'm influenced by Capleton aswell.
After all of this i found what i was searching for in reggae music.As a result i started dealing with reggae hoping to support the rasta movement in Romania.Youtube:
Facebook: by Green Island on Thursday, July 21, 2016
Today we explore the deep vibes brought to you by : Schmaus
Schmaus a luat nastere in anul 2015 atunci cand un grup de oameni din Arad si Timisoara au pus la cale , din dorinta de a creea evenimente de calitate in arad si pentru a promova cat mai mult muzica electronica si anume Techno si minimal-house. In data de 20 noiembrie 2015 a avut loc primul eveniment de aces gen , avand-ul ca invitat pe "Gianni Firmaio (IT) " urmand apoi dj precum : Gescu , Paul K , Lizz , Melodie ,Sorin Milea .. etc .
De asemenea ei promoveaza si tinere talente din arad, avand la fiecare eveniment DJ locali precum : Somesan ,Timirash,Acid Casual…etc.
In viitorul apropiat brandul "Schmaus" isi va deschide portiile propriului Club*Acid Casual
Acid Casual este un tanar DJ din orasul Arad cu o pasiune fata de muzica electronica inca din 2011 , abordeaza un stil techno-minimal cu influente tech house si de-a lungul timpului a impartit pupitrul cu artisti precum : Premiesku , Melodie , Sorin Milea , Sublee , Negru , Kool.
Crescand in acest oras unde scena muzicii electronice este relativ noua pentru public in anul 2014 a pus la cale petreceri Techno precum cele de la indagrara alaturi de Blackbox & technicality , iar din anul 2015 pana in prezent este fondatorul seriilor de petreceri "Schmaus" care au avut pana acum la ce-a de a 4-a editie artisti consacrati din tara sau tinere talente din europa .
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Growing up in this city where the electronic music stage is new for the audience , he organized techno parties like the ones from Indagrara together with Blackbox & Technicality in 2014. In 2015 until now he is the founder of a party series named "Schmaus" wich had consecrated artists from Romania or young taletns from Europe.Facebook:
"Muzica este arta de a gandi cu sunete" aceste cuvinte il reprezinta pe tanarul DJ & producator TIMIRASH.
De origine din Bacau a descoperit pasiunea pentru muzica electronica in anul 2012, urmand ca anul 2015 sa ii aduca primul EP "Inceput" cu labelul Ensis Black.
Stilul care il abordeaza este techno-minimal cu influiente deep si tech house.
A impartit pupitrul cu artsti romani precum Gescu, Kozo, Alexandra, Sublee, Incolor etc.
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"Music is the art of thinking with sounds" these words represent our younh DJ & producer TIMIRASH
Born in Bacau he discovered his passion for electronic music in 2012.Later in 2015 he launched his first EP "Inceput" with Ensis Black label.
He shared the desks with romanian dj's like Gescu,Kozo,Alexandra,Sublee,Incolor.Facebook:
Romanian electronic music scene is constantly evolving. With this, new generations of young artists are born.Mihai is not a new face to this scene. Since 2006 when he moved to Bucharest he caught the techno virus by attending many of the events that were taking place at the time. It wasn't much until his curiosity pushed him to start learning how this kind of sound is created. Being passionate about technology and music he started studying sound engineering and not long after, he got his first job in the audio industry.
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Facebook: by Green Island on Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Today we present you : Exit Oz
Exit Oz is a contemporary jazz band with touches of a multitude of genres, all comprised together in their very own Mlazz style. Founded in 2011, the project has participated in a wide range of festivals, from electronic to jazz and even metal, never quite fitting completely but never failing to surprise. Touted as Romania's most promising jazz group after the release of their first album in 2014, the band moved further away from the classical jazz scene and went on to a more aggressive and unconventional approach.
The band is fronted by the renowned internet phenomenon #Jerome LeSax, a multi-instrumentalist gone tenor saxophone and completed by Mikel, Gareth and Adrian, masters of bass, guitar and drums.
Although Exit Oz could mention many famous names of artists they have 'shared the stage with' in the biography, the band prefers to let their own music serve as a recommendation. by Green Island on Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Today we present you : Freenetik Kru
Freenetik Party is one of the most progressive and expanding events on the electronic music scene, bringing some of the world's biggest names in Drum & Bass to the home front . Escape Kru is implementing the movement of Drum&Bass with major parties held at the Freenetik Warehouse and successful warm-up events in various locations around Romania
* Mi-tzu(Diggin, Freenetik Kru)
Basist in diferite trupe si proiecte mai mult (Exit Oz) sau mai putin actuale (Oranj, Melting Carousel, Era Ticalosilor), am inceput sa mixez in 2012. Pasiunea pentru imbinarea sunetelor ma face sa gasesc in drum and bass si techno stilurile care ma reprezinta. Selectia mea se bazeaza pe elemente de percutie si atmosfera, iar in seturile mele de DnB se pot auzi de la Techstep si Jungle, la Liquid Funk si Halfstep.
A impartit pupitrele cu Total Science, Teddy Killerz, DJ Vasile, Vlad Dobrescu, DJ Marika, Luger, Alexander Silvermountain, si multi DJ din Timisoara si Arad.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –Bassist in various bands and projects more ( Exit Oz ) or less current ( Oranj , Melting Carousel , Era Ticalosilor) , I started to mix in 2012. My passion for combining sounds makes me think about the styles that represents me in drum and bass and techno music. My selection is based on elements of percussion and atmosphere ,and my sets contain Techstep,Jungle,Liquid Funk and Halfstep.
He shared the desks with Total Science,Teddy Killerz,DJ Vasile,Vlad Dobrescu,DJ Marika and many others from Timisoara and AradMixcloud:
Facebook:* Damaja (Diggin'Radio,Freenetik Kru)
A început sa mixeze din anul 2012, când si-a dat seama ca nu mai vrea sa fie doar un simplu spectator la party-uri. A pornit cu hip-hop, dar încet si sigur a facut trecerea spre drumandbass. A mixat pe scenele mai multor localuri si festivaluri din Timisoara si din tara, alaturi de artisti internationali si locali. Seturile sale includ toate aromele drumandbass-ului , de la liquid si minimal drumandbass, la techstep, neurofunk, oldschool si jungle.
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He started to mix in 2012 , when he realised that he no longer wants to be be a spectator at parties.He started with hip-hop,but slowly and surely he made the transition to drum and bass.He played on the stages of several venues and festivals in Timisoara and Romania,with local and international artists.His sets include all the flavours of drum and bass from liquid and minimal drum and bass to techstep , neurofunk,oldschool and jungle.
Facebook:* Mighty Boogie (Digital Rush)
Mighty Boogie reprezintă unul dintre cei mai buni DJ de muzică jungle și dnb din Timișoara, fiind invitat cinci ani la rând la unul dintre cele mai renumite festivaluri de acest gen, Outlook. Debutul său este marcat de EP-ul Dance get serious, lansat la VIM Records, în 2012.
––––––––––––––––––––Mighty Boogie is one of the best jungle drum and bass DJ in Timisoara.He was invited 5 years in a row at one of the most prestigious drum and bass festivals in the world , Outlook.His Debute was marked by his EP Dance get serious, launched at VIM Records in 2012.
Mental Chemistry(Diggin Radio,Bassdrive)* Mental Chemistry este un dj/producător de drum and bass din Timișoara,care de asemenea este si co-proprietar al radioului Diggin'Radio care se difuzează in fiecare joi pe promovând dj locali de muzică electronică, a inceput prin a mixa liquid/jazzy drum and bass in 2009 si producând muzică din 2012 .
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Mental Chemistry dj/producerr from Timisoara, co-owner of Diggin'Radio broadcasting on every thursday promoting local electronic sound artists.He started mixing liquid/jazzy drum & bass in 2009 and producing from 2012.
Facebook:* Dumbo( Diggin' Radio / Freenetik Kru )
Bogdan Muraru-Alexa aka Dumbo face cunostinta cu muzica electronica urbana în anul 2007 si începe sa mixeze în anul 2011 prin diferite locatii din orasul sau natal, Petrosani. Împreuna cu dj locali ca Jigga si Padre a organizat si a mixat la diferite petreceri din zona. În 2012 câstiga TM:DJ CHALLENGE, fapt ce îl propulseaza în line-up-ul unor evenimente care au capete de afis nume precum Dom & Roland, Black Sun Empire, Storm, Alix Perez, The Upbeats, State Of Mind, Jade, DUB FX sau Bare Noize. DumBo mixeaza de-a lungul timpului si alaturi de nume cunoscute pe scena drum and bass din tara precum Dudu, Dr. Dan, Seba 1394, Mighty Boogie, Phoneme, MadLiquid. Între timp el este invitat si la radiouri ca Anonim Tm, Diggin’ Radio sau Drums.Ro. Daca ar fi sa caracterizam sound-ul sau, acesta e un melanj între jungle, liquid, deep, techstep si neurofunk.
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Bogdan Muraru-Alexa aka Dumbo meets urban electronic music in 2007 and started mixing in 2011 in different locations in his birth town Petrosani.He organized and mixed at different events with local dj's like Padre and Jigga.In 2012 he won Tm:DJ Challange , because of that he was in many lineups of some events witch headlinsers were Dom & Roland, Black Sun Empire , Storm, Alix Perez, The Upbeats, State of Mind,Jade,Dub FX and Bare Noize.He also mixez with together with some of the most known drum and bass dj's in Romania like Dudu,Dr Dan , Seba 1394,Mighty Boogie,Phoneme,MadLiquid.Meanwhie he is invited at radios like Anonim Tm, Diggin Radio and Drum.Ro.Bogdan mixez the sound of jungle , liquid and deep drum ad bass with techstep and neurofunk.Mixcloud >>
Facebook >>
Posted by Green Island on Monday, July 18, 2016
Big shouts for another one of our headliners: RADIKAL GURU
One of the brightest lights of the roots-influenced underground community for the past half-decade, Poland born Mateusz Miller has pioneered a compelling and unique fusion of sounds that encompass dub, reggae and dubstep under his Radikal Guru moniker. Inspired by an appreciation of soundsystem culture, his music has become synonymous with suffocating degrees of dread bassweight, vibrant and eclectic palettes of tone, and varying energy levels that cater for both dancefloor focussed ruckus and for more meditative listening. Heavily influenced by the likes of King Tubby and Scientist, Matt first gained worldwide acclaim and recognition through a string of killer 12” releases on leading reggae/dubstep imprint Dubbed Out, before forming a creative partnership with fellow label Moonshine Recordings where he has gone on to cement his reputation as one of the strongest proponents of the scene. His Moonshine discography boasts highlights that include his debut LP ‘The Rootstepa’ the mighty ‘Dread Commandments’ 12” and his second album ‘Subconscious’, and keep an eye out for some seriously exciting developments in the pipeline.
Not only an talented producer, Matt is also a fine selector, conveying his passion for music through DJ sets that pay homage to the sound and culture’s rich history as much as they showcase the freshest cuts of sonic innovation from himself and his contemporaries. He has hit spots all around the world to assault soundsystems with bass-fuelled beats and positive vibes. Catch Matt bringing heat to a series of festivals this summer, and with a landmark tour yet to be announced, there is plenty to look forward to on the horizon.Check the links for sounds, pictures, video and more: by Green Island on Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Big waves of energy for: TRANSYLVALIENS
Psylev ( Levente Simon) plays progressive psytrance sounds and performed at parties in western part of Romania, at some as a Dj and some as organizer. He got the privilege to entertain the Hungarian crowd as well, playing in Budapest at parties organized by Kugler Music.
The mixture of uplifting psytrance and progressive pulsation characterizes his music. During his career he appeared next to performers like , ATMA, Vertex , Solar Kid , Vibe Tribe, ManMachine, Lupin, Talamasca, U-Recken, Flanger Strangers, DigiCult, Snag The Sunshaperd and many more.
Also he is member of the ”Trasylvaliens” family where he is performing as a Dj.
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Psylev (Levente Simon) este un dj de progressive psytrance care a participat la numeroase party-uri de vestul Romaniei ca si artist cat si ca organizator.A avut privilegiul de a le oferi un spectacol de neuitat publicului din Ungaria. De asemenea a mixat la party-urile organizate de Kugler Music.
In decursul carierei sale a impartit scena cu ATMA, Vertex , Solar Kid , Vibe Tribe, ManMachine, Lupin, Talamasca, U-Recken, Flanger Strangers, DigiCult, Snag The Sunshaperd si mult alti.
De asemenea este un membru al familiei Transylvaliens unde participa ca si DJ .Soundcloud :
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XOAYoung Dj from Hunedoara , recently moved to Arad ,started with music from chillhood untill a year ago when he decided to start playing tracks @ partys & events.
I started with progressive – psytrance , XOA name cames from XO is hugg and kiss and a is from my name Alexandru , also it’s seems to sounds good xoa-goa .
Un tanar DJ nascut in Hunedoara care s-a mutat recent in Arad a inceput cu muzica inca din copilarie pana in urma cu 1 an canda decis sa isi inceapa cariera de DJ mixand la party-uri si alte evenimente.
"Am inceput cu progressive-psytrance ,numele vine de la XO care inseamna imbratisare si pupic iar litera A de la numele meu Alexandru si tot odata suna bine xoa-goa"Soundcloud :
Facebook: Dude
He has the first contact with goa and psy trance in 2000, among his
favourite artists that time being MFG, Talamasca, Infected Mushroom,
Shiva Shidapu, Etnica, Electric Universe, Mystica, Astral Projection,
Man With No Name etc. This kind of music had a big influence on him
from that time on.He started to play music at parties in 2007 in a local club in Sibiu.
Usually he plays goa trance, psybient, darkpsy, progressive psytrance
seldom nitzhonot considering himself just a music listener instead of
a DJ. Sometimes he innovates by inserting religious chants, folkloric
fairytales and children songs among his sets to fullfil a musical
A avut primul sau contact cu muzica psy trance in anul 2000,alaturi de preferatii lui MFG, Talamasca, Infected Mushroom,
Shiva Shidapu, Etnica, Electric Universe, Mystica, Astral Projection,
Man With No Name etc. Acest gen de muzica a avut un impact major asupra lui inca de atunci.
A inceput prin a pune muzica la partyuri in 2007 intr-un club local din Sibiu.De obicei mixeaza pe sunetele goa tranceuli,psybient,darpsy,progressive psy trance considerandu-se un simplu ascultator si nu un DJ.Soundcloud:
Syl was born in the summer of 1994 in Transylvania’s lovely city, Sibiu. As time passed, he developed an increasing interest into electronic music, thus experimenting with different genres along his journey.
His passion for psychedelic music started growing from the point he attended his first outdoor psychedelic gatherings in the wonderful forests of the Carpathians.
Intricate and complex, his sets represent a journey through the world of psychedelic as he continuously try to elevate the quality of his music.
When it comes to psychedelic music, his sets are “seasoned” with deep psychedelic vibes while passing right by the darkpsy area.
SylSyl , nascut in Transilvania, Sibiu, in vara anului 1994.Pe parcursul timpului a dezvoltat un ineteres fata de muzica electronica, astfel experimentand diferinte genuri pe dealungul calatoriei sale.
Pasiunea lui pentru muzica psyhedelica a inceput sa prinda contur din momentu in care a participat ca si spectator la un party de psy in aer liber intr-o padure din Muntii Carpati.
Cand vine vorba de muzica psyhedelica , seturile lui "asortate" cu vibeuri deep trecand incet spre partea darkpsy.Mixcloud:
Lygos has started back in 1998 as one of the first Romanian electronic music DJs and event organizers and is now one of the best known psytrance acts of the Romanian scene and also one of the main organizers of the Tranyslvaliens Festival (
After organizing bi-weekly raves as a resident DJ in Sibiu for three years, Lygos focuses his musical activity towards psytrance. Starting with 2003, Lygos has organized countless parties and played on the main stage of most Romanian psytrance festivals and events such as Transylvaliens Festival, Transylvania Calling, Waha, FanFest, Rebirth, Iarmaroc, Forest Vibes and many other.
Lygos si-a inceput cariera in anul 1998 ca fiind unul dintre primii dj/oraganizatori de evenimente de muzica electronica din Romania , iar acum este unul dintre unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti DJ de muzica psytrance din Romania si de asemenea este organizator al festivalului Transylvaliens.
Dupa ce a organizat raveuri ca si DJ rezident in Sibiu timp de 3 any , Lygos isi concentreaza activitatea muzicala spre psytrance. Incepand in anul 2003 , Lygos a organizat nenumarate party-uri la care a mixat impreuna cu majoritatea DJ-ilor de psytrane din Romania la festivalele Transylvaliens,Transylvania Calling,Waha,FanFest,Rebirth,Iarmaroc,Forest Vibes si multe altele.
Posted by Green Island on Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Today we present you: JazzyBIT
JazzyBIT (n. 2 februarie 2012, Timișoara) este un trio format din Teodor Pop (pian, claviaturi), Mihai Moldoveanu (bas) și Szabó Csongor-Zsolt (tobe), ce oferă o combinație energică de jazz și rock, presărată cu blues, latin și funk. După ce câștigă Premiul pentru debut pe 2013 al Fundației Muzza din București, trupa lansează independent primul album “Touch the Sky” la începutul lui 2014, album ce ajunge pe locul 9 în controversatul top al muzicii românești “Muzici și Faze”. Urmează peste 100 de concerte atât în țară, cât și în Ungaria (Budapest Jazz Club și A38), Austria sau Italia, unde JazzyBIT a ajuns în finala competiției European Jazz Award din cadrul festivalului Tuscia in Jazz. În 2016 trupa revine cu al doilea album “Horizon”, înregistrat la renumitul studio din Ungaria “SuperSize Recording” și publicat la casa de discuri EM Records.
Teodor Pop s-a îndrăgostit de pian la vârsta fragedă de 4 ani, și a studiat muzica clasică până la 14 ani, când a fost admis la secția de jazz din cadrul Școlii Populare de Arte “Francisc Hubic” din Oradea. În 2001 obține un certificat de acreditare în muzică cu specializarea “jazz”, în urma unui examen final perfect. Un an mai tărziu se mută la Timișoara, unde continuă să cânte jazz și blues în mai multe proiecte muzicale. În 2004 a câștigat premiul pentru cel mai bun pianist în cadrul concursului memorial “Iuliu Merca” din Cluj-Napoca.
Mihai Moldoveanu a început să cânte la bas în liceu și este autodidact. Cu un background rock și învățând jazz din mers, Mihai este interesat de mai multe stiluri de muzică și artă. Pe lângă JazzyBIT, Mihai cântă și cu Alexandrina și Urma, iar în trecut a cântat de la muzică electronică la black metal.
Szabó Csongor-Zsolt a absolvit Liceul de Muzică “Sigismund Toduţă” din Cluj-Napoca, iar în prezent este masterand la secția Percuție a Facultății de Muzică din cadrul Universității de Vest Timișoara. A participat și a câștigat premii la numeroase olimpiade naționale de muzică și concursuri internaționale de percuție.
JazzyBIT (born on February 2, 2012, Timișoara, Romania) is a trio consisting of Teodor Pop (piano, keys), Mihai Moldoveanu (bass) and Szabó Csongor-Zsolt (drums), which offers an energetic combination of jazz and rock, scattered here and there with blues, latin and funk. Having won the Newcomer Award for 2013 awarded by the "Muzza" Foundation Bucharest, they independently released their first album “Touch the Sky” at the beginning of 2014, an album which reached number 9 in the controversial Romanian music top “Muzici și Faze”. They have played over 100 concerts in Romania, but also in Hungary (Budapest Jazz Club and the famous A38), Austria and Italy, where they got to be finalists in the European Jazz Award competition of the Tuscia in Jazz festival. The band returns in 2016 with their second album “Horizon”, recorded at the famous “SuperSize Recording” studio in Budapest, and published at the EM Records label.
Teodor Pop fell in love with the piano at the early age of 4, and studied classical music until 14, when he joined the jazz classes of “Francisc Hubic” Popular Art School from Oradea. In 2001, he is awarded a Certificate in Jazz Music, with a perfect final exam. In 2002, he moves to Timișoara and continues to play jazz and blues in several music projects. In 2004 he wins the Best Pianist Award at the “Iuliu Merca” memorial music competition in Cluj Napoca.
Mihai Moldoveanu started playing bass during high school and is self-taught. With a background in rock music and having learned jazz by doing, Mihai is interested in many styles of music and art. Besides JazzyBIT, Mihai also plays with Alexandrina and Urma, and used to play from electronic music to black metal.
Szabó Csongor-Zsolt graduated the "Sigismund Toduţă" High School of Music in Cluj-Napoca and he is currently following the master courses at the Music University in Timişoara, studying Percussion instruments. He participated and won several prizes in multiple national and international music contests and competitions.
Posted by Green Island on Tuesday, July 12, 2016
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… au fost o respingere clara de catre americani a ideologiei trezite si a politicii democratilor. Trump a castigat, nu doar la colegiul electoral, ci și la votul popular.Trump a (...)
Poate, într-un următor articol, va reflecta autorul asupra cauzelor victoriei atât de categorice a lui Trump, deși predicțiile profesioniștilor indicau un rezultat mult mai strâ (...)